Understanding and Managing a Bruised Tooth

Did you know that you can bruise or sprain your teeth? Just like other parts of your body, your teeth are susceptible to injury. Learn more about this surprisingly common dental injury.

What is a Bruised Tooth?

A bruised or sprained tooth is also known as bruised tooth syndrome. In bruised tooth syndrome, the ligaments surrounding the tooth become inflamed. Think of these ligaments as shock absorbers protecting the teeth and keeping them in place. If this connective tissue is under too much pressure, it can become damaged and inflamed, causing tooth pain.

What Causes Bruised Teeth?

The causes of bruised teeth range from common habits to more complex factors. Understanding these triggers is crucial for preventing and addressing bruised teeth effectively. 

Below are a few ways teeth can become bruised:

  • clenching and grinding teeth
  • biting on hard foods, 
  • nail biting 
  • pressure on the tooth caused by chewing on small objects, like ice, bones, or seeds. 
  • tooth infections
  • dental surgeries or procedures
  • overfilled or underfilled cavity fillings
  • sinus problems, such as allergies or colds

Symptoms of a Bruised Tooth

The most obvious sign of a bruised tooth is pain. The pain is usually a dull ache and lingers for many days. But, it can also be a sharp pain localized in one tooth. 

Additional symptoms of a bruised tooth include: 

  • lingering soreness
  • inflammation
  • sensitivity
  • redness
  • bleeding gums
  • tooth discoloration

What a Bruised Tooth Looks Like

Bruised teeth typically exhibit a pink or gray color. A pink hue suggests potential healing, while a gray color indicates that the pulp inside is no longer vital. Regardless of the tooth color, seeking professional dental advice is recommended for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How to Treat a Bruised Tooth

Dealing with a bruised tooth requires patience and proper care. While resting the affected teeth is advisable, consulting a dentist is crucial for a comprehensive treatment plan. Medications may be recommended to alleviate pain during the healing process.

Home Remedies for Bruised Tooth

In addition to professional treatment, there are home remedies that can complement the healing process. Eating soft foods and maintaining good oral hygiene are simple yet effective practices that can contribute to the recovery of a bruised tooth. Some examples of soft foods are yogurt, cottage cheese, and nutritional drinks with protein. Be sure to brush your teeth and floss the bruised tooth, to help prevent infection and promote good healing.

Avoiding Bruised Teeth

Prevention is key when it comes to dental health. Breaking bad habits such as nail-biting and wearing a mouthguard when necessary, such as during sports activities or while sleeping, can significantly reduce the risk of developing bruised teeth.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of bruised teeth is essential for maintaining optimal dental health. By being aware of the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures, individuals can take proactive steps to safeguard their teeth from the discomfort associated with a sprained tooth.

Still Have Questions? Ask Our Team

Our knowledgeable staff at any of our dental office locations are happy to discuss your oral health needs. If you are experiencing tooth pain, our convenient emergency dental services are available to quickly get you in to see our dentists.

Call us today with any questions or to book your appointment!


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